How to Tell the Difference Between Cravings and Vitamin Deficiencies


Cravings can often be our body’s way of signaling what it may be lacking nutritionally. While cravings do not always denote a deficiency, there is some correlation. Here’s how some of your cravings might relate to nutrition needs, and healthier alternatives:

Sugar Cravings
Sugar Cravings
  1. Sugar Cravings: Craving sugar may be related to a deficiency in chromium, which helps regulate blood sugar levels, or lack of B-vitamins, which are key in energy production. This can often be a signal that your blood sugar levels are fluctuating. You might be lacking fuel for your brain and muscles. Instead of reaching for a candy bar, opt for fruits like apples or berries that provide natural sugars along with beneficial fiber and vitamins.
  2. Salty Snacks: Craving salty foods could be an indicator that you are dehydrated or have an electrolyte imbalance, or may indicate a need of sodium or chloride. Hydrating properly can often curb these cravings. But if you really want something salty, pick nutrient-dense, salty foods like olives, cheese, or roasted seaweed.
  3. Chocolate: This is a common craving and might indicate a magnesium deficiency. Instead of milk chocolate, go for a piece of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium and has less sugar than its milk-based counterpart.
  4. Oily/Fatty Foods: These cravings might be a sign that you aren’t getting enough healthy fats or you need more calcium. Swap out the deep-fried snacks for foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, avocados, or nuts.
  5. Bread/Pasta/Junk Food: If you’re craving carbohydrates, it could mean you need more nitrogen and fiber. Proteins are rich in nitrogen and whole grains, like quinoa or brown rice, are healthier options. They provide complex carbohydrates and are packed with fiber, keeping you feeling fuller for longer.
  6. Dairy: Craving dairy products could indicate a deficiency in calcium. Drink fresh milk, or you can get this nutrient from other sources too. Almonds, kale, and tofu are all excellent sources of calcium.
  7. Soda, alcoholic and carbonated drinks: while these cravings might not necessarily point to a vitamin deficiency, they could be a sign of calcium imbalance. Soda, particularly cola, can decrease calcium levels in the body.

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Soda Drinks
Soda Drinks

Remember, balance and moderation are keys to a healthy diet. While these foods can help satisfy your cravings and provide you with the nutrients you might be lacking, it’s also important to have a diverse diet filled with various types of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats.

About the author

Hairun Bijaksana

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